
Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

yesterday was a history..

Just like there’s a mystery behind every star, there’s a story behind every scar. Story of survival. The pain, the struggle, the tears. Remember,
“Verily along with every hardship, there is relief.” (94:5) Allah is making you, not breaking you.
Dear azve3; new semester has started, the hope is still awaits, push yourself or you may regret later.
wahai diri,
teruskan perjuanganmu sayang,
kamu insan terpilih yang Dia ciptakan untuk mengangkat martabat agamu,
yang akan mengibarkan panji-panji kebenaran,
bertahanlah, teruskan melangkah, jangan pernah berhenti,

Jika kamu tak mampu berlari, cukuplah dengan berjalan, agar dirimu terus ke depan, jika perlu bertatihlah atau merangkak, yang penting kamu teruskan maju tampa berhenti sehingga tiba waktu kau dijemput bertemuNya..

No matter how many people let me down, I know You never will.
No matter how many people hurt me, I know You never would.
No matter how lonely I feel, I know You’re always there.

When no one understands me, I know You do.
When I lose hope, You remind me of You.
When I feel like giving up, You give me the strength to keep going.
When I feel lost, You show me the way.
No one can help me but You.
No one can soften my heart but You.
No one can love me as much as You love me.
No one cares about me more than You do.
I love You ya Allah. More than anything in this whole world..

Saat Allah swt mencintai seseorang, tempat pertama sentuhan cinta itu ialah HATI mereka. Disitulah Allah melenyapkan segala rasa putus asa dan kesedihan akibat dosa mereka, kemudian digantikan dengan harapan dan keinginan untuk berubah menjadi insan yang bersih. hati kita seolah berbisik,

"Aku tahu bila Allah mencintaiku iaitu saat aku membenci segala kejahatanku"

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