
Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

TW, catering.

catering, Taaruf week semester 2 2012/2013.
May it be part of the sweet bar of my chocolate!

Khamis, 24 Januari 2013


Benarkah kau wujud dalam masa depanku?
Aku menanti sinar itu.
Aku kan terus menunggu. samdai detik waktu. bertemu.

Biarlah. ia luka parah berdarah.
biarlah ia sakit bernanah.
biarlah ia hancur merekah.
biarkan ia begitu
biar ia tahu.
hanya sepi dan waktu..
    yang menyembuhkan.

Isnin, 21 Januari 2013

again. again.

Jika tidak percaya pada ALLAH, siapa lagi yang perlu dipercaya?

sudahlah, kesat airmata.

Rasa sedih sering kali mengajarkan lebih banyak hal dibandingkan rasa senang. Sering kali air mata lebih mampu menyembuhkan luka, dibandingkan tawa kosong tanpa makna, Sering kali musibah mendekatkan diri kita kepadaNya, dibandingkan nikmat yang terkufur. . .

dear my lovely self. sabar.
He gives what you need, what you want.
He takes away everything that will harm you. He cares about you.

Dia ambil semua di sisi supaya ada hanya saya dan Dia.
Ketika Allah rindu pada hambanya, Allah akan mengirimkan sebuah hadiah istimewa melalui malaikat Jibril yang isinya adalah ujian…

Nabi saw. bersabda, Allah berfirman, "Pergilah pada hambaKu lalu timpakanlah ujian padanya kerana Aku ingin mendengar rintihannya." (HR Thabrani)

sabarlah, bertahan buat kesekian kalinya.

wahai badan, maaf sebab tidak menjagamu sebaiknya. sering memaksamu melebihi limit yang sepatutnya. terima kasih kerana masih mampu berdiri buat kesekian kalinya.

inshaa Allah. sakit itu penghapus dosa.

Ahad, 13 Januari 2013


in life, i notice that there are two types of learner;

-1st is very hardworking, but not too intelligent.
-2nd is given a good brain, but he not too hardworking.

At the time when the 1st one laying around, chitchatting, facebooking, gosipping again and again and again. the 2nd was struggle hardly.

both end up having the same result. SAME. SIMILAR. biasa.

dan bahaimana untuk kita jadikan kita yang LUARBIASA.
the special one.

so, the answer is= don't be among the both categories.


i also did not know which category i belonged to. people say that i am intelligent naturally, Allah give me a brilliant brain.
and me, just smiling and say in the deepest of my heart;

"they never see how crazy i'm studying"

again, i never know which group i belonged to.
to be one of the 1st group, i struggle hardly. to be intelligent specifically
Allah has created brain as the most amazing thing
brain that differentiate we and another

the aql, one of things that MUST be preserved
the 4th Maqasid As-shariah. the 4th of al-dururiyyah al-khomsiah.

we can preserve it through 2 approaches;
1. affirmative measures
2. protective measures

we can train our brain
we can make it clever, its food is Education and pursuit of knowledge. the i'lm
we can maintain our brain, among other ways are;
-eat honey consistently
-eat habbatus sauda consistently
-do not sleep on evening
-cover head in toilet
-do not eat haram/dirtyfood
-always cut ur fingernails, because it made ur food dirty
- reading surah al-luqman consistently
-and pray
-etc etc etc etc etc and etc

yes, too many rule and regulation
too many do and don't to observe

to be in 2nd group, I MUST be hardworking.
it is a habit, habit can be inculcated by doing it consistently.

1. stay away from distraction

yes, for me, stay in my comfortable room is one of the distraction, the FB, the non-stop drama, the favorite thriller movie, the bed and all the bears. they are all distraction that stop me from study.
so, what i did that i find the best place to study.
wake up in the morning and go anywhere that help me stay focus.
and this semester, the best place i discovered was the students lounge.

even full with students, foreigner that speak loudly, sometime laugh loudly and turn on the speaker loudly. but, my mood to study is there. yes. because other students went there to study.

Undeniable. we are human, we tend to be good depend on our mood.
indeed, it is the fact.

and another interesting fact is, "Allah is the Controller, the Sustainer, the Giver.
ask him for the strength that we seek, and in-shaa-Allah, He will grant us.

bye. semester 1 year 3


Byebye semester 1 year 3, byebye books, byebye scale ruler, calculator, PAM2006, PWD203A and all the tough drawings. Byebye all the pains and tear. See you next time. May He eases our journey! :)

yup. sem 1 year three... another place to discovered.

in average of ten hours a days for more than 2 weeks, staying at study room mahallah, tough me a lots.
--> no matter what courses you're majoring, what kuliyyah you're belonged to, the final examination is almost the same.

yeah, EXAMINATION is not just testing our ability on understanding the subject matter, it is about the skills of answering the question paper, in overall aspects.

not only the studying skill, the critical thinking skills, the memorizing skill, but includes the skill how students concluded the overall subject in 1 idea, how students assess the past year questions, how students analyze the questions patterns as well as the lecturers behavior on giving question and marking the questions paper..

yes, it is all about.

the truth and the real fact is;

if you study just for the sake of passing the examination, or to score the dean's list. Once you succeed, you got what you want. But if you fail, you got nothing. NOTHING at all. ZERO. and you will start thinking that life is not fair.

but if you study to achieve His blessing, the blesses and barokah from the above authority. To seek for knowledge that will bring you closer to Him. and if you fail, you still can be relief because you have gotten the 'ilm, the blessing, the love from the LOVE GIVER. you will think that He has reserved something better for you. He has planned for your future. He knew what he is doing and He has choosen you to walk on that path. the path that he has planned thoroughly for you...........and once (if) you succeed, you have EVERYTHING!

do not ever sad if He not answer your call. it is the time where He is planning something beautiful.